Lifestyle Modification Programs

Corporate Wellness

Lifestyle Modification Programs


Lifestyle choices and poor management of chronic conditions of employees are hitting businesses hard, needlessly draining resources.  Absenteeism leading to lost productivity is a common headache for today’s employers. Estimations reveal that employers on an average spend $18,000 per employee every year on costs related to employee illness and productivity.

A small investment in Lifestyle Management Programs for your employees can lead better morale, higher retention and a happier and more productive workplace.

Our lifestyle management program provides assistance with stress, cholesterol, blood pressure, fitness, and nutrition as well as supporting general health and wellness.

We have designated ‘health coaches’, in the form of registered nurses and dieticians, who have mastered techniques like motivational interviewing that get beyond “good intentions,” down to the root issues of poor lifestyle and health-management choices.

Health Talk Topics For Corporates

  • How to manage your anxiety levels
  • Depression, stress and its impact on you and how to manage with it
  • Stress and its symptoms -emotional, physical and behavioural symptoms and consequence of long term stress
  • Going to work isn’t a choice, managing stress at work is
  • Are you getting enough sleep. Know the facts
  • Basic Life Support
  • Heat stroke , Dehydration and heat related illness
  • Work place exercises to keep you fit and active
  • Eat right and beat cholesterol
  • Whats GERD, its causes, symptoms and management
  • Whats balanced diet andwhat are its benefits
  • Best ways to reduce belly fat
  • Prevention is better than cure – Know about the benefits of preventive health checks and stay disease free
  • Irritable bowel syndrome – How to manage
  • How good is your immune system
  • Timely vaccination and its benefits to stay protected
  • Beauty – Skin Deep or Lies in the Eyes of the Beholder ?
  • Whats PCOS its symptoms, causes and myths related to PCOS
  • Early detection is the best medicine – Breast cancer rand Cervical cancer
  • Whats Endometriosis , its symptoms & casues
  • Child growth and development
  • Obesity in children
  • Asthma in children
  • Is your child protected with required vaccination.
  • Exercises for a healthy heart
  • Dangers of high blood pressure and its effect on your body
  • The way to your heart health is through your stomach
  • Common heart problems in young adults – Arrhythmia, Heart Muscle diseases
  • How work place postures affect Back and Neck
  • Importance of exercise in managing osteoporosis
  • Managing common sports injuries
  • How Vitamin D affects bone health and its treatment
  • How not to wreck your liver
  • Whats fatty liver , types of fatty liver, symptoms and management
  • Common toxins to avoid – Love your liver
  • How does alcohol affects your liver
  • Whats kidney disease and risk factors of developing kidney disease
  • Did you know Diabetes is the common cause of kidney failure
  • Whats CKD and symptoms of CKD
Health Tips
Take breaks and get out in the sun and fresh air.

Make sure to get your daily dose of vitamin D by getting outdoors every day. Even on your busiest days, it’s important to take a few minutes to step away and regroup.