At Aster Hospital, we offer TRUS guided prostate biopsy. This method obviates the pain & discomfort associated with traditional biopsies yielding much better results.
A patient recently referred by Dr. Nazeer Ahamed (Specialist in Urology) at Aster Jubilee Medical Complex, Bur Dubai was taken in at Aster Hospital to investigate enlarged prostate and high serum PSA.
Case details:
A 50 year old gentleman with enlarged prostate and high serum PSA (prostate specific antigen) was referred for TRUS guided biopsy. The patient was admitted in daycare and was administered an enema. After checking the clotting profile and administering IV antibiotic, the patient was transferred to the Radiology department.
After informed consent, TRUS guided peri-prostatic nerve block was given using 22G Chiba needle. Following this, 12 core biopsies were taken from the prostate under trans-rectal ultrasound guidance.
The peri-prostatic nerve block made the procedure so comfortable that the patient did not need any oral or IV analgesia or any sedation during or after the procedure. On Visual analog pain scale, the pain during & after the procedure was scored to be only 2/10. No IV fluid or transfusion was required.
The patient was discharged in the evening and oral antibiotics were continued for next two days. Post procedural blood in stool disappeared in next 24 hours. Post procedural blood in urine was also seen which disappeared in 36 hours.
Dr. Anoop KR Pandey
Specialist Radiology