Since what age should women start a breast examination? Breast cancer is one such cancer that can be cured if detected and treated during initial stages. It is extremely important for women to know what their breasts look and feel like normally so that they are able to differentiate in case of any changes. Breast […]
womens health
Being Aware Of Breast Cancer
Breast Cancer is a growing concern amongst women. Because of its nature, however, the subject is not one that we easily discuss. What are the symptoms? A lump or thickening in the breast or under the armpit A change in the position of the nipple Changes in the shape or size of the breast or […]
The Harmful Effects Of Passive Smoking
If you smoke or have a family member who does, passive smoking and its effects on those who live with you must have crossed your mind at times. And it should! The non-smokers who face tobacco smoke at work or home develop 25-30% higher chances of suffering from heart diseases. Passive smoking poses a major […]
What Women Need To Know About Healthy Kidneys
The 8th of March, every year is recognized as World Kidney Day (WKD). The purpose of recognizing one such day is to create awareness among people about the importance of kidneys in the overall health and how to efficiently take care of the kidneys. Every year, one global theme is focused on, allowing the community […]
FAQ’s About Endometriosis
What is Endometriosis? Endometriosis is a condition in which the lining of the uterus called endometrium begins to grow in locations elsewhere, outside the uterus. The growth may occur in the ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus, bladder etc. Who gets Endometriosis? Endometriosis is a condition that differentiates on grounds. The condition can occur in women of […]