People have been chewing gum for years now, mainly to get rid of bad breath. Chewing gum is not bad for health and may not cause detrimental health effects as it is generally considered safe for health, however, nothing is good in excess. Chewing gum is a sugary substance and we all know the harmful […]
Tips To Reduce Tooth Sensitivity
Have you ever felt a sudden, sharp pain that shoots right into the nerve endings of the teeth when something cold, hot or sour touches the teeth? This sensation is called sensitivity. Tooth sensitivity is an extremely common problem faced by people of all ages. When you have sensitive teeth, activities like brushing and eating […]
Parent’s guide to oral hygiene in children
Oral hygiene in children is as important as their overall health. Teaching children dental hygiene at a very young age is an investment that will reap great benefits in the future. In order to do that, ensure that you as parents set a good example and follow good oral hygiene yourselves. Moreover, there is no […]
Your baby’s first visit to the dentist
“When should I take my baby to the dentist?” is often one of the most common questions asked by parents. Most parents are often surprised when told that it is recommended to take their child to visit a dentist by the time their first tooth appears. As parents, it is important to understand that babies […]
The Benefits of Topical Fluoride Application
Based on several years of research and scientific evidence, Fluoride is known to have a beneficial role to play in the prevention of bacterial decay of teeth known as dental caries. Since the 1980’s, a decline in dental caries has been attributed to the addition of premeditated concentrations of fluoride in domestic water supplies as […]