While smoking seen as a relaxing habit for many & something donned by cultural icons through film & song, smoking does more harm to the body than good. With COVID-19 dominating the news & many of its ill effects associated directly to poor respiratory health, it becomes even more important to quit smoking. Read what […]
The Management of Coronary Artery Disease (CAD)
Coronary Artery Disease (CAD), where your arteries harden, blood flow is disrupted, and heart muscles weaken, is a concerning, potentially fatal disease. That’s why it doesn’t come as a surprise that doctors are regularly asked if it is possible to cure CAD. The answer you’ll get from most cardiologists in Dubai confirms that heart conditions […]
The Causes of Coronary Artery Disease (CAD)
Coronary artery disease (CAD) is mostly the result of circumstances which hinder the adequate supply of nutrients and oxygen to the heart by disrupting the blood flow. There’s a network of arteries surrounding your heart. Over the years, because of factors including diseases, plaque build-up, or damage, these arteries get narrowed, making it difficult for […]
The Harmful Effects Of Passive Smoking
If you smoke or have a family member who does, passive smoking and its effects on those who live with you must have crossed your mind at times. And it should! The non-smokers who face tobacco smoke at work or home develop 25-30% higher chances of suffering from heart diseases. Passive smoking poses a major […]
Smoking And Its Effect On The Heart And Blood Vessels
Cigarette smoking harms nearly every organ of the body, causes numerous ailments and impacts health in general. Worldwide, smoking causes 7 million deaths each year and is one of the leading preventable cause of death. Research and studies have shown that smoking increases the risk: for coronary heart disease and stroke by 2 to 4 […]