Are you troubled by an itchy dry scalp that compels you to dig your nails into her hair? Do you avoid wearing dark tops because of white flakes on your shoulders? Upset with excessive hair fall every time you brush your hair? Well, you have a common scalp condition called dandruff that 1 out of […]
skin care
Stay Skin Safe this Summer
The summer months in the U.A.E. tend to be rather hot, yet it is a time, many of us prefer to be outdoors. Staying hydrated is something you make sure you do during the summer, however have you spared a thought for your skin as well? While letting the sun shine down on you may […]
How to get rid of Acne
Acne is one of the most visible ways that stress often manifests itself. Although stress doesn’t directly cause acne or breakout, it does act as a trigger for the factors that contribute to the development of a breakout. This happens due to stress causing higher levels of cortisol hormone that can increase inflammation and sebum […]
Skin care for adults
Living in a temperate, desert climate like the middle east can cause many adults to have skin care problems. Some of the more common skincare problems at adults in the UAE face are Acne, Hyperpigmentation, and Eczema. In this blog article, I answer some commonly asked questions about the aforementioned skincare disorders. Adult acne What […]
بقلم: الدكتور مطوسي أودهيا
ما هي الأكواليكس؟ حقن الأكواليكس هي إحدى الحلول القادرة على إذابة الدهون تحت الجلد المقاومة للنظام الغذائي والتمارين الرياضية. تحتوي هذه الحقنة على مادة تسمى حمض ديوكسي كوليك التي توجد في الأملاح الصفراوية في جسم الإنسان، وهي المسؤولة عن هضم الدهون. تُعد الأكواليكس نوعاً من الحقن التي تعمل على تحلل الدهون وإذابتها. أين يمكن استخدامها؟ […]