Postpartum tips for new mothers

The postpartum period begins after the delivery of the child until the mother’s body returns to the pre-pregnancy state. This period is generally defined as the first 6 weeks after childbirth.  A baby is a whole new adjustment for the entire family and it may take some time to get used to the new family […]

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The importance of Vitamin D during pregnancy

Vitamin D deficiency and insufficiency are common across the globe. Large epidemiological studies reveal the high prevalence of vitamin D in women, including antenatal and lactating mothers. Vitamin D requirements are probably greater in pregnancy, as evidenced by physiologically higher 1,25-dehydroxy vitamin D levels seen in the second and third trimesters. While 1,25(OH) 2D levels […]

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Don’t Wait, Vaccinate

Going on a vacation is an exciting time for everybody. Your bags are packed, your tickets are booked and you can’t wait to get on that plane that will take you to your destination. All the excitement and anticipation, however, can often cause people to disregard one simple additional task, getting vaccinated. You don’t need […]

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