Oral health has got an important role on your overall health. Neglecting one’s oral health can lead to more than just sore teeth and bad breath- it can open the door to all sorts of health problems, including deadly diseases like oral cancer. Over the years studies have found a possible connection between gum problems […]
Ergonomic Injuries
1) What are ergonomic injuries and how are they caused? Most people these days have desk jobs that require them to be seated at their desks for 8-10 hours straight. People often fail to realize how much havoc a simple desk job can create in their life. People tend to disregard a lot of simple […]
Hepatitis B – Its causes and effects
Hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection is a worldwide problem and can cause acute hepatitis, acute liver failure, chronic hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, and liver cancer. As WHO marks its third annual World Hepatitis Day, it said about two billion people worldwide have been infected with hepatitis B since its discovery and about 600,000 people die every […]
بقلم: الدكتور مطوسي أودهيا
ما هي الأكواليكس؟ حقن الأكواليكس هي إحدى الحلول القادرة على إذابة الدهون تحت الجلد المقاومة للنظام الغذائي والتمارين الرياضية. تحتوي هذه الحقنة على مادة تسمى حمض ديوكسي كوليك التي توجد في الأملاح الصفراوية في جسم الإنسان، وهي المسؤولة عن هضم الدهون. تُعد الأكواليكس نوعاً من الحقن التي تعمل على تحلل الدهون وإذابتها. أين يمكن استخدامها؟ […]
Health Checklist when Traveling with Children
July and August call for travel plans, as children have their summer vacations and all of us look forward to vacations during this time of the year to beat the scorching heat in UAE. Vacations are an exciting time for all, with your bags packed and tickets booked, you may not be able to hold […]