What are the effects of using earbuds? Using earbuds, or Q-tips to clean the ear is an extremely common practice. Despite being told not to use them to clean the ears, people still continue to do so because it hasn’t caused them any harm until now. What people do not realize is that by using […]
Trigeminal Neuralgia
What is trigeminal neuralgia? Trigeminal neuralgia (TN) is a neurological condition that causes sudden and severe pain in parts of the face. Sensations from the face are carried by the trigeminal nerve to the brain. […]
Screen time for children
What is the possible impact of children spending excessive hours on screen, can you list few? The American Association of Pediatrics identifies screen time as time spent using digital media for entertainment purposes. Other uses of media, such as online homework, doesn’t count as screen time. Owning a smartphone or tablet has now become a common practice even with young school […]
Tips To Maintaining Good Health
We have all heard the phrase ‘Health is Wealth’, but how often do we take this seriously? All of us at some point or the other have taken our health for granted. Only when our health begins to deteriorate do we realize how long we spent leading it to that stage, despite knowing that our […]
The Need To Have A Good Night’s Sleep
Getting a good night’s sleep is vital to our bodies and minds, akin to formatting a computer. Our brain is a super-computer which continuously creates thoughts. Constant thinking drains the brain battery and sleep gives the brain the rest that it sorely needs. Sleeping well daily is very important especially during periods of stress. Sleep […]