What is the impact of excess texting given that most of us are tech savvy? More than being tech-savvy, we have now become tech addicts. Everybody from a working adult to a school going child now has a smartphone and uses it constantly for various purposes like keeping an alarm or reminder, watching videos, listening […]
Screen time for children
What is the possible impact of children spending excessive hours on screen, can you list few? The American Association of Pediatrics identifies screen time as time spent using digital media for entertainment purposes. Other uses of media, such as online homework, doesn’t count as screen time. Owning a smartphone or tablet has now become a common practice even with young school […]
Can Energy Drinks Harm Young Kids?
The topic of energy drinks and their effects on the health of children has been widely discussed and studied in different contexts throughout the past decade. While some recognize these energizing beverages to be downright threatening to the health of young ones, many others consider the disadvantages under different lights. A good number of pediatricians […]
The Harmful Effects Of Passive Smoking
If you smoke or have a family member who does, passive smoking and its effects on those who live with you must have crossed your mind at times. And it should! The non-smokers who face tobacco smoke at work or home develop 25-30% higher chances of suffering from heart diseases. Passive smoking poses a major […]
Kidney Diseases In Children
There are millions of people worldwide affected by kidney problems, and children are not immune to them. In fact, the early onset of kidney diseases in children makes them more prone to growth and developmental abnormalities. Although the widespread use of ultrasound scans in pregnancy has helped in identifying structural kidney problems, facilitating early intervention […]