Providing a safe growing environment is an important part of caring for your baby. Babies are very active, curious and often excitable by nature. These attributes also put them at the risk of injuries. As a parent or caregiver, you can do a lot to prevent injury to your baby.
DHA officials stated that traffic accidents are the leading cause of death among infants and are responsible for 63% of deaths among children aged 14 and younger in the UAE. This percentage is far above the global average of 22.3% of child fatalities caused by vehicles. As per the UAE law concerning child restraint in vehicles, children sitting in the passenger seat who are ten years of age and older must wear a seat belt. Although the Ministry of Interior prohibits children younger than ten years of age from sitting in the front seat, 28% of children continue to do so.
There are a number of road accident prevention methods you can undertake to avoid injury to your child. Children below the age of ten should not be encouraged to sit in the passenger seat. Depending on the age of the child, they must be seated in appropriate baby seats and harnesses that can prevent the baby from harm. Injuries that occur during this age can be prevented if babies are continuously monitored and supervised.
Babies learn by seeing others, they tend to duplicate what adults or other children do. As a parent or caregiver, it is your responsibility to act safely when you are around babies and young children. Child safety is more than babyproofing the house and purchasing safety equipment’s, and has various aspects that parents and caregivers should be aware of. In order to create awareness about the need and importance of baby safety training, Aster Nurture is organising ‘Aster SHIELD’ on Friday, 10th February 2017 at Aster Hospital. This event aims at educating caregivers of babies that Safe Handy Information Eliminates Likely Dangers. For more information on Aster SHIELD/Aster Nurture and to register for the event, contact 0553378460. There is nothing more precious to a parent than their child, and nothing more important to our future than the safety of our children.