A 2016 health survey conducted by the Dubai Health Authority stated that 36.1% of the total population was considered to be in the pre-obesity stage, i.e. they were overweight and nearing obesity unless the necessary actions were taken. And 11.9% of the total population included obese individuals.[1] Obesity is a growing health concern across the […]
Tips for children to stay healthy and enjoy the winter
The UAE experiences winter from the month of November to March. December to February are pretty cool. The change of climate brings about changes in health, especially for the children. As the temperature lowers in winter, it brings along its share of troubles and infections. Below we will give you some easy tips to stay […]
The path to good Oral Hygiene
Oral health has got an important role on your overall health. Neglecting one’s oral health can lead to more than just sore teeth and bad breath- it can open the door to all sorts of health problems, including deadly diseases like oral cancer. Over the years studies have found a possible connection between gum problems […]
نصائح تحميك من التسمم الغذائي خلال الحج
الزحام، الحرارة المرتفعة، صعوبة حفظ الغذاء في الطقس الحار.. كلها عوامل تزيد من خطورة تعرّض الحاج للتسمّم الغذائي بسبب تزايد فرصة انتشار الجراثيم والفيروسات والبكتيريا. ويقدم الدكتور جولي توماس من عيادة أستر في دبي لـ 24 مجموعة من النصائح تحميك من التسمم الغذائي خلال الحج في الانفوغراف المرفق أدناه: تناول الأطعمة في أماكن معروفة، ولا […]