Steps to prevent Diabetic Neuropathy

Early detection of diabetes and tight control of blood sugar levels may reduce the risk of developing diabetic neuropathy. Treatments for diabetic neuropathy includes 3 main components. ●Tight control of blood sugar levels ●Care for the feet to prevent complications ●Control of pain caused by neuropathy Although there is no cure for diabetic neuropathy, use […]

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Diabetic Neuropathy

Diabetes mellites is an epidemic of modern civilization. With the modern technology, comfort and convenience has come, but the well-being and health is taken away. Increase in the sedentary lifestyle has led to increased incidence of many diseases. Diabetes is one of them. Diabetes is not just a disease of high sugar levels as perceived […]

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Antibiotic Resistance

Our immune system normally fights disease causing bacteria. But sometimes, it is unable to work fast enough against the attack by certain bacteria. In such circumstances, it needs help by destroying the sickness causing bacteria directly, and antibiotics are used in such cases. There are different antibiotics which work differently against the bacterial activities. The […]

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