Botox is a purified protein derived from the process of bacterial fermentation. It has been used in cosmetic dermatology for the last 40 years. It is extremely safe and effective for facial enhancement especially of the upper face. Many people have the misconception that botox is a toxin and hence, harmful to the body. However, […]
Skin Care
The different types of skincare procedures
Mechanical Peeling What is Mechanical Peeling? Mechanical Peeling is the lightest form of peeling. It acts on the immediate surface and is the most common form of peeling known to most women who exfoliate their skin at home with scrubs. In this procedure, tiny particles polish the skin to remove the epidermal or outer layer […]
Skin care for adults
Living in a temperate, desert climate like the middle east can cause many adults to have skin care problems. Some of the more common skincare problems at adults in the UAE face are Acne, Hyperpigmentation, and Eczema. In this blog article, I answer some commonly asked questions about the aforementioned skincare disorders. Adult acne What […]
بقلم: الدكتور مطوسي أودهيا
ما هي الأكواليكس؟ حقن الأكواليكس هي إحدى الحلول القادرة على إذابة الدهون تحت الجلد المقاومة للنظام الغذائي والتمارين الرياضية. تحتوي هذه الحقنة على مادة تسمى حمض ديوكسي كوليك التي توجد في الأملاح الصفراوية في جسم الإنسان، وهي المسؤولة عن هضم الدهون. تُعد الأكواليكس نوعاً من الحقن التي تعمل على تحلل الدهون وإذابتها. أين يمكن استخدامها؟ […]
Is your skin summer ready ?
With the blazing sun above our heads, summer is now here in its full glory. However not everything about the sun is as bright and shiny, the harsh sunrays can cause major damage to the skin. Skin is the largest organ of the body and any fluctuation in the weather can affect the skin. Summers […]