Prior to getting pregnant, women must ensure that they are taking the utmost care of their physical and mental health. The very first step in pre-pregnancy healthcare management becomes the consumption of a balanced and nutritious diet. A balanced diet would generally contain 5-6 servings of fruits vegetables every day, as well as plenty of […]
Aster Nurture
First Aid Steps for Infant Choking
Choking is a common cause of injury and death in young children, primarily because their small airways are easily obstructed. It takes time for babies to master the ability to chew and swallow food, and babies might not be able to cough forcefully enough to dislodge an airway obstruction. How to keep your baby safe […]
10 Reasons Why You Should Read to Your Kids
We all know reading to our kids is a good thing—but are you familiar with the specific advantages your toddler or preschool-age child can receive by being exposed to the merits of reading? Below are some benefits that highlight the importance of reading to your child between the ages of two and five. Below are […]
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome: Causes and Prevention
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome: Causes and Prevention Sudden infant death syndrome is when a baby is younger than 1 year old dies suddenly for no reason .SIDS is sometimes called crib death. It happens when a baby is sleeping, usually between midnight and 6 AM .Almost all babies who die from SIDS are younger than […]
Breastfeeding can reduce the chances of Breast Cancer.
Did you know? Breastfeeding can give your baby a healthy start. But that’s not the only health benefit. It also can lower your breast cancer risk. Pregnancy and breastfeeding have direct effects on breast cells, causing them to differentiate, or mature, so they can produce milk. These differentiated cells are more resistant to becoming transformed into […]