Seasonal Flu

Battling the weather change and flu

While the UAE residents are still battling slight chills, we are soon setting into the onset of summers. The change in weather conditions have brought a bout of illness, with many residents still complaining of common cold symptoms like cough, joint pains, fever, runny nose and sore throat.

This is definitely not anything out of the ordinary and will continue to persist until mid-March, when the weather is expected to change completely. One of the commonly asked questions now is ‘why do people fall sick even though the weather is changing from cold to hot?’ The reason for this is that the sudden fluctuations in temperature cannot be tolerated by the body and this hot cold exposure is causing a disturbance. Transitional changes causing variations in the weather is the most vulnerable time since the weather aids spread of infections. Not to deny how people in UAE are always travelling and bringing in and out lot of newly emerging infections and the problem of antibiotic resistance associated with it.

This season witnessed a great increase in the number of people visiting Doctors complaining of flu, respiratory infections, asthma and allergic exacerbations and even influenza cases. Despite a serious increase in patients, this is rather normal and expected, as significant changes in the weather does leave people prone to various infections.

Most people visit a doctor complaining of flu-like symptoms including fever, body ache, chest congestion, nose block, cough, headache etc. In most cases, people can avoid aggravation of these conditions by taking simple preventive measures. However, persistence of any of the aforementioned symptoms may result in severely infected cases that will require to be checked by a specialist or sometimes hospitalized where they can receive the necessary medication.

The most important step towards prevention of such health issues is building immunity. Strengthen your immunity in order to be able to fight the bacteria and virus.

Tips to prevent infections;

  • Consume natural Vitamin C products through oranges, lime juice, ginger tea etc.
  • Drink warm fluids and avoid cold drinks
  • Practice doing warm saline gargles
  • Steam inhalation for nasal block cases and chest congestion
  • Isolate yourself from those who are infected
  • Always cover your mouth while coughing or sneezing
  • Practice good personal hygiene; wash your hands regularly
  • Keep yourself and the temperature around warm but not hot. Excess heat will lead to sweating, further making you prone to sickness and dehydration.
  • Stay hydrated
  • Eat a healthy balanced diet
  • Get adequate rest and de-stress yourself

In addition to these tips, if you are unwell, you also have an additional responsibility of ensuring that you do not pass on the infection to those around you. Hence, if you fall ill, make sure to avoid going to public places and take the day off from work. Any symptom, if it lasts for over 3 days ensure that you consult with a specialist who would be able to better advice on how to prevent the condition from worsening.


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