There is so much information on the internet on the do’s and don’ts of cleaning your ears. Some sources suggest not to use cotton ear buds to clean your ear while others say cotton buds are okay to use as long as they aren’t inserted too deep into the ear. So which side of the […]
Month: August 2017
The path to good Oral Hygiene
Oral health has got an important role on your overall health. Neglecting one’s oral health can lead to more than just sore teeth and bad breath- it can open the door to all sorts of health problems, including deadly diseases like oral cancer. Over the years studies have found a possible connection between gum problems […]
Restless Leg Syndrome
Do you feel a strange sensation in your leg or the urge to kick or flail your legs at night, resulting in you either waking up or your sleep getting disturbed? If yes, then you might be suffering from a neurological disorder called ‘Restless Legs Syndrome’ or RLS. The causes of RLS can be divided […]
نصائح تحميك من التسمم الغذائي خلال الحج
الزحام، الحرارة المرتفعة، صعوبة حفظ الغذاء في الطقس الحار.. كلها عوامل تزيد من خطورة تعرّض الحاج للتسمّم الغذائي بسبب تزايد فرصة انتشار الجراثيم والفيروسات والبكتيريا. ويقدم الدكتور جولي توماس من عيادة أستر في دبي لـ 24 مجموعة من النصائح تحميك من التسمم الغذائي خلال الحج في الانفوغراف المرفق أدناه: تناول الأطعمة في أماكن معروفة، ولا […]
All You Need To Know About The Sunshine Vitamin
We all know that Vitamin D is one of the most essential vitamins required for our body. The first thing that comes to people’s minds when they hear Vitamin D is that we get it from sunlight and it keeps our bones strong. These are true, but there is a lot more to know about […]