

As the Corona Virus pandemic continues, doctors and researchers are learning more about the new coronavirus and COVID-19, the illness it causes and much more. Here are few Frequently Asked Questions answered by our expert doctors.


As per the guidelines from respective Public Health Department in the emirates facemasks only can’t protect you from the disease, in fact, it can cause the user to constantly touch their face to adjust their mask, which increases the risk of transmission if your hand is infected.

It should only be used under two conditions:

  • If you are suffering from respiratory symptoms such as coughing and sneezing
  • If you are taking care of someone suffering from respiratory symptoms

Specific to Aster and UAE

The treatment of COVID-19 depends on enhancing the immunity level of patients, treating the symptoms and easing complications, as there is no specific treatment for the virus to date.

For latest and recent information on Dubai Health Authority guidelines please follow the below links.

Please stay safe and take all the necessary precautions to prevent the spread of this disease. We’re in this together.